Mighty Kitty Maine Coons logo

07578 467924


Meet Toki Mighty Kitty, daughter of Arietty and Kohaku, one of our Ghibli Girl keepers

Toki is our sweet and loving kitten who is far too clever for her own good. She adores rustly toys like crinkle fish and balls and this habit has lead her to steal food wrappers and carry them round at any opportunity. She has figured out how to raid the bin in search of crinkly wrappers and we have had to resort to child locks. She adores her sister Angel and they will spend hours playing fetch together (and with us!)

Gender: Female
Maine Coon Personality: Clever, Playful, Happy
Tests: All tests N/N (HCM, SMA, PKdef)

toki black tortie kitten
toki silver tortie maine coon kitten
toki black silver tortie maine coon
Toki black tortie maine coon kitten
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