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07578 467924


Meet Kiriko, Our Black Silver tabby With White Girl At Mighty Kitty Maine Coons

Kiriko is our lovely silver tabby with white Maine Coon from our friend Karla at Puremaines Cattery in Norfolk. Kiriko has a mix of Russian and European lineage. She has an excellent strong build, nice muzzle and ears. Her best buddies in the group are Ronja and Ponyo and they are often found playing together in the garden. She is cuddly and very chatty, frequently and loudly reminding us to continue when we stop stroking her for any reason.

Gender: Female
Maine Coon Personality: Very friendly and loves a head rub - protests loudly when these stop for any reason. Very playful
Tests: All tests N/N (HCM, SMA, PKdef)

kiriko silver tabby female maine coon
kiriko 6 month kitten
Kiriko silver tabby maine coon kitten
Kiriko 6 month old maine coon kitten
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